Deep thoughts from the Centre for Applied Computer Science @ The University of Bolton

Month: October 2022

Make this a “November to Remember” with UOB Computing!

Back for 2022, prepare to be inspired and enthralled this November with our “November to Remember” series of guest lectures!

We have an exciting line-up of guest speakers to bring you engaging and thought-provoking lectures that bring business literacy, employability skills and research methods to life in the context of Computing:

All lectures are delivered online, with recordings available soon after on our official YouTube channel.

Lecture Schedule:

Day & Time (24hrs) In NovemberSpeakerTopic
1st – 1300 Chidinma Maduka
MBA, ACIPM, SWP; Talent management leader; Global competency development & career management expert
Winning CV and Employable Skills
2nd – 1300Christopher Agbamuche
Vice President at Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America
Business Creativity and Innovations
7th – 1300Jude Ower (MBE)
Founder /CEO of Playmob; Co-founder of the Playing for the Planet Alliance
Unleashing the Power of Play – Playmob
8th – 1200Michael Rada
Human & Industry 5.0 Founder
Introduction to Industry 5.0
14th – 1800Vishnu Pendyala
PhD, MBA, Technical Leader; ACM Distinguished Speaker; Book Author and Faculty in Machine Learning; Gold Medalist; Chair, IEEE Computer Society, Silicon Valley Chapter, USA
Machine Learning for Societal Improvement,
Modernisation, and Progress
16th – 1300Paul Hollins
Professor, Cultural Research Development Arts & Management, University of Bolton/Director Trustee Leeds Conservatoire, PhD, MSC, MBA, FCybS. Harrogate, UK.
Collaboration & Funding: Best Practice
17th – 1300Deepak Rao
FIE, FIETE, FRSA, SMIEEE, CEng; Software Product R&D, Management, Innovation; Consultant: IoT, Mobile, Cybersecurity, Embedded, Connected Vehicle; Ex-Samsung Official
Internet Of Things Advancement & Future
21st – 1000Dr. Ali Kashif Bashir
Reader at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom
29th – 1300Jyotika Athavale
Functional Safety Architecture at NVIDIA; 2023 President-Elect Candidate, IEEE Computer Society, 2024 President; IEEE P2851 Chair; Ex-Intel Principal Engineer
Career Development Series: A Holistic Career Paths
30th – 1300 Dr Celestine Iwendi
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied Computer Science, The University of Bolton
Research Excellence

All lectures are free to join with the Zoom details given below:

Zoom URL:

We hope to see you there!

12th October – Creative Technologies Careers Fair 2022

Give your career prospects a boost at our very first Creative Technologies careers fair on the 12th October from 10am to 2pm!

We are excited to announce that we have 25 employers attending with five industry talks and more employers still to be confirmed! Each employer will share key knowledge and guidance about the industry our students are aspiring to be part of.

Employers attending the Fair are interested in hiring Bolton students for placements, internships, and graduate roles in Computer Programming and Games Programming, Data Analytics, Networking and Cybersecurity, VFX and SFX, Graphic Design and many more Creative Tech skills.

Employers Attending:

AND DigitalArmBAE SystemsBBCBolton CouncilCloud Bridge
Code Computer Loved3tEventuraExam WorksGlobal LogicGreater Manchester Police
KalibrateMatalanN Brown GroupRokuSamsonVTSlalom
TAO DigitalTeach FirstThe Marlborough Group

Employer Talks

10.15 am – Kalibrate

For decades, we’ve combined the power of data science, human ingenuity, and machine learning to help retail and service-based organizations of all sizes make location-critical business decisions with confidence.

10.45 am –Barclays

Our businesses include consumer banking and payments operations around the world, as well as a top-tier, full service, global corporate and investment bank, all supported by our service company which provides technology, operations and functional services.

11.15 am – Arm

Arm’s foundational technology is defining the future of computing. Together, we’ll power every technology revolution moving forward, including cloud computing, automotive and autonomous systems, IoT, the metaverse, and beyond.

12.15 pm – Cloud-Bridge

Cloud-Bridge supports companies making the move to the cloud doing the legwork for them including sourcing funding. Cloud-Bridge helps businesses modernise processes, optimise costs, and unlock the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

1.15 pm – d3t

Now a team of 140+ talented developers based in the North-West of England, d3t offers work-for-hire co-development solutions to the very best video game developers and publishers around the globe.

All students are encouraged to attend – come join us in the SLZ – We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

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